For international finance courses. Authoritative, comprehensive coverage of contemporary international finance Multinational Business Finance trains the leaders of tomorrow's multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. As such, the authors have embedded real-world mini-cases throughout, applying the chapter concepts to the types of situations managers of real multinational firms encounter. The 16th Edition attempts to capture the rapid evolution of our global marketplace. It takes a closer look at the types of organizations that permeate the arena, and the competition, opportunities and challenges global businesses face today. Hallmark features of this title Boost critical-thinking skills Global Finance in Practice boxes highlight how real firms and managers deal with the complexity of executing global business deals in a changing marketplace. Mini-Cases explore many of the edgier debates rising between global business, social policy and corporate social responsibility. 250 End-of-Chapter Problems assess students' understanding. Proven pedagogical tools The authors use the Impossible Trinity as a unifying theoretical link across multiple subjects and chapters. A student-friendly writing style, structured presentation of material, and delivery of critical elements in a shorter framework aid student learning. A running case on a hypothetical Ireland-based firm provides a cohesive framework for the multifaceted globalization process. New and updated features of this title An introduction of new concepts and components in global business today NEW: Material examines how the changing structure of the global foreign exchange market is posing challenges for private players and public regulators and overseers. REVISED: Chapter 4 on corporate governance, including elements of ownership, financial objectives, and the growing role of activist investors, has been revised. Of special note is the growth of stakeholder capitalism and its multiple objective framework as compared to stockholder wealth maximization. NEW: In depth examination of the motivations, methods and metrics associated with currency manipulation is included. A new mini-case looks at whether China is or isn't a currency manipulator. NEW: Discussions of emerging market regimes, many recognizing they are trade-dependent economies in search of currency stability in lieu of attracting other capital account elements such as foreign direct investment, is included. EXPANDED: Coverage of international taxation places emphasis on the constantly changing US tax rates and rules. REVISED: The chapter on foreign direct investment and political risk has been revised to reflect the growing use of restrictions on convertibility, transferability, and the possibility of repudiation or expropriation.